Bottle Breacher
Bottle Breacher is a .50 Caliber Bullet shell that has been modified to be a bottle opener. The openers can be customized in colors or with engraving. The Bottle Breacher is pitched as a corporate or groomsmen gift, although single quantities can be purchased. Kevin and Mark teamed up on a deal for Bottle Breacher.
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Christopher –
Bottle Breacher is really a simple concept: “Wouldn’t it be cool if a bottle opener was made out of really big bullet.” And the entrepreneurs are right, it is pretty cool. I don’t have a lot to say about this product—you either think it’s cool or you don’t. You either want your bottle opened by giant bullet or you don’t. I do see the value in pitching them as a groomsmen or corporate gift. People are always trying to find ways to differentiate themselves in those spaces, and this is a really unique product. They also did a nice job making the product look great. The engraving and coloring are very high quality and it gives the product a great finish.
Linda Anderson –
Very disappointed with the customer care I have received from this company. Their “contact us” information is website based. It is not available to contact them personally by phone. I have made inquiries with them daily for two and a half weeks on my order and there has been no response. This lack of care led me to cancel my order, yet I have not received a confirmation of my cancellation even though I have asked, numerously, for correspondence from them . I am disappointed they associate themselves with our military in their advertisement. In my opinion, it degrades the reputation of our Branches of Service as they do give their all for us. In my association with Bottle Breacher’s, it is evident they care more about their product then they do their customers. I do not recommend doing business with this company.
Christian Falatko –
Bottle Breacher seemed like a cool gift, but as the previous review states, they cannot be reached! NO PHONE #? Really?
And, they have not responded to any of our 4 emails regarding an order we placed on Nov 18th! But they had no problem taking our money on Nov 18th…. We are disputing the charge with AMEX now since Bottle Breacher has shown zero ability to function as a respectable company.
What a joke! Shark Tank…. try Sh%t Tank!
Ryan J –
Great product!! By far best gift for the Holiday season. They did tell me my order would be delayed because of the Holidays and Shark Tank, which was totally fine! Going to give it as a Birthday Gift instead. I mean when American watches you have to expect some wait time people! Eli said he just got out of the military… Great job Bottle Breacher!! Keep it up!
Janet Angelo –
I ordered the product on November 14, 2014 and still nothing. I have emailed them several times and have not heard anything back. The worse part is there is NO phone number to contact them. I thought it was such a cool gift for my fiancée who is in the military. I understand they are backed up, but the customer service is horrible. I am going to cancel my order if I don’t hear back from them soon.
Lauren Waldinger –
I ordered an engraved bottle breacher with personalized case for my father for Christmas on November 16, 2014 and have not yet recieved it. The money came out of my paypal account and off of my card the same say I ordered it so I know for a fact that I paid for it. I do not have a confirmation e-mail so I have no way of tracking my order. I have e-mailed the company twice so far leaving all my contact information basically pleading with them to call me and I have heard nothing. There is no phone number to call to even inquire about orders or customer service. People like face to face or voice to ear customer service. This is HORRIBLE business and horrible customer service!!! I’m outraged and hurt by the lack of charisma they have for their customers. I figured because they were just on shark tank about 6 months ago that they were backed up but when I looked at the time they were telling people to expect their orders I was alarmed due to the fact I have been waiting much longer than what they are telling people. I just what the product that I paid for. Thank you!
David flagg –
I seem to have had the same problem as many other customers. I ordered mine on November 16th and have yet to receive it. I understand they might be overwhelmed and didn’t expect it for the holidays but I have tried to contact them numerous times (6 emails as well as their listed phone number which only directs you to a recording) with no success which is very disappointing. I have tried cancelling my order but am not sure what is going on. Nice idea but very poor execution.
Donna –
I should have given no stars. Same problem as others had…. Ordered on 11-16-14 as Xmas present and still shows on website as ‘in process’. No response to emails either. Nice that they went on Shark Tank but if the Sharks gave them money they should use it for customer service. Sorry I placed the order but if they don’t answer emails I don’t think I’ll get my money back.
Angie –
I to, am being ignored by the customer service department. I placed an order on November 18th, in which I did receive my confirmation email with order number. In the email it states “to expect a delay in shipping by 4 weeks”, however, now when I visit the site it says to expect a 6-8 week delay. It also states in the email that the “LAST DAY to purchase for Christmas delivery is November 12th.”, if this was true, then most of us should have our product. I emailed them over a week ago asking for a status update and have heard nothing. My money was taken from my account the same day that the order was placed with is disappointing. I would really love to be able to gift the item ordered, however, I to will have to cancel my order if I don’t hear something soon. My worry is that if I cancel, it will take just as long to get my refund as if it would if I waited for the item to actually ship. Also, I did find a phone number for them, it won’t get you anywhere as it is only a message to asking to contact them by email (we all know how that goes). Anyhow, here it is….. 520-318-5563 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Mountain Time
Dowen –
REALLY!!?! Terrible customer service, feel like I got ripped off. Order confirmed 11-16-14 with a 5 week wait time. Now it says 6-8 weeks and tracking still says ‘in process’ like it’s been saying since I ordered. Emails are ignored and phone number is a recording. I’m going to try emailing again for my money back since I doubt there’s been any ‘customization’ yet but who knows if or when I’ll get it. I ended up giving my nephew a gift card last week because I felt bad that the the rest of his Xmas gift wasn’t here yet.
Use some of the ‘Shark’ money for customer service or to learn how to run your business!!!
Terry Warner –
I too am very disappointed with Bottle Breachers customer support. I placed my order November 17 and have sent numerous emails regarding my order and have not had any response. I originally placed my order by phone (when they still had one!) and was told not to expect to receive before Christmas. No problem…. BUT I was told it would be 4-5 weeks…NOW IT’S BEEN 8 weeks. Their website also says they have people who will respond to email inquires in 2-3 business days. That hasn’t happened either……..WHERE ARE OUR ORDERS? YOU GOT OUR MONEY!
Amy Soto –
Very dissapointed. I ordered one of these for my husband for a christmas/promotion gift. I ordered it on Nov 15 and today is Jan 14 and I have yet to receive it. I called the company a couple of times inquiring about my order. Orginally it was suppose to ship out the week before christmas…..and it still has not shipped and now I am not even offered a shipping date. I understand that they were not prepared for the marketing push that comes from appearing on the show…but this is more than ridiculous. I was excited to order through them because it is veteran run and my husband and I are both veterans. But now I am simply disapointed.
Claire Deckert –
Horrible customer service! I ordered two engraved bottle breachers for Christmas on November 17, 2014. They charged by credit card the same day. I never received an order confirmation email and had to contact them through their website in early December to determine a shipping date. After a week, they finally responded that my items would ship the first week in January. Shocker, they never came. I emailed them again one week ago and received no response. Finally, I posted a comment on their Facebook page, see below and received a response immediately that they would look into it. I found it shocking that they update their makerting on Facebook daily and yet cannot communicate with their current customers regarding the order status.
Then, they stated that they did not charge my credit card, but only performed an authorization. What a lie! I called my credit card company and am disputing the charge and told them to cancel the order. I suggest you do the same ASAP. Posting my Facebook conversation with them.
Conversation started Wednesday
Claire Deckert
1/14, 11:10pm
Claire Deckert
Hello, you replied back to my comment earlier regarding my shipping status. I ordered on November 18th. Order number is 12842. No sign of my order and no answer to my email a week ago. Using your order tracker, my order is still processing when I was told by Lisa that it would ship the first week in January when I first inquired back in early December. If you cannot provide me with a firm shipment date, I will do a charge back on my card. Very disappointing customer service and, trust me, I would rather have my belated Christmas gifts. I also cannot fathom a company charging their customers for two months with no shipment date in site. If a company has a supply issue, they typically only charge their customers when their order is complete and clearly you cannot keep up with your orders or inquiries but certainly update Facebook daily. Again, I’d like a shipping date for my items.
-Claire Reinken
Bottle Breacher
Bottle Breacher
Hi Claire,
We understand your disappointment and apologize for not responding to your previous emails. Before we aired on Shark Tank, Jen used to answer all customer service messages personally. However with orders coming in so fast, she has since hired a team of 12 to help answer the thousands of emails, Facebook messages and Etsy conversations.
We use Paypal for our payment processing. When an order is placed, they charge you under our name but hold the funds until we ship. We do not have access to your funds with shipping your product.
Orders from that date are estimated to ship next week. Once shipped, you will receive an email with tracking info. Thanks so much!
Claire Deckert
Claire Deckert
Ok, if I do not receive my order in two weeks, I am doing a cc charge back. The funds were not held but in fact pulled and I can highlight the line item on my cc statement, so that’s simply not true. I look forward to my completed order and if I do not receive a shipment confirmation email next week, you can expect to hear from me again.
Claire Deckert
Claire Deckert
Attaching a screenshot of your transaction from my credit card company. I am on the phone with them now disputing the charge. I do not like when companies lie to me and stating that you didn’t charge me is WRONG. I have never received such poor customer service and that fact that you are busy is not an excuse. I just called my credit card company and disputing the charge. Cancel my order and email me a confirmation of my cancellation. Since you cannot provide a specific shipping date, I no longer trust that you will actually send me my Christmas gifts. And since you lied to me and stated that you did not charge my credit card, I do not trust your company whatsoever.
Janet Angelo –
My bottle breacher finally arrived today. It is better thank expected! So cool and worth the wait. I finally did receive an email from them apologizing for the long wait. I’m sure they are working out the bugs with their customer service dept. that is my only complaint. I will definitely order again when I need a really cool gift!
Lee –
So sad that things turned out this way. I have the same problem as all the above customers. I thought it was a really cool and unique gift to send to my military family member.
However, today is 9 weeks since I place my order (11/19) and still no response and tracking says ‘processing’.
Since Shark Tank is associated with this business, I would think that the sharks who invested would take interest in the problems experienced by customers.
I’m calling the credit card company to dispute this charge if it is not received in the next few days.
I noticed a customer above just received her item today and she placed her order just 5 days before me.
I’m hoping for a positive outcome.
Alesha B. –
I also placed my order on November 16, 2014. Still have not received my order. I did email them last week and received an email apologizing due to the large amount of orders they have had. I also was told about how they have expanded their company with new machinery and that all orders that were placed during my time frame will be shipped out by the last week of January. I do hope this is true as it was a Christmas gift for my husband.
Brandon McLeod –
I am joining the long line of people who are extremely frustrated with the level of customer service received from this company. All I can say is WOW!!! No phone number anywhere to call someone to discuss issues with orders, I have sent multiple emails through the website with no reply back. All my status of my order says is processing. Well it’s been processing Since December 7th. This is my first and last time ordering something off of Shark Tank. I used to think the show was real, and real deal were made on the show. No all I can think is that the show is fiction just like the rest of reality tv shows.
Bottle Breacher is very quick to bill the money from your credit card, but awfully slow to reply to customer requests and complaints. With such poor levels of customer service I will undoubtedly never see this company on the success stories the air on Shark Tank. I’m Canadian and we do not have this trouble with our version of the show, “Dragon’s Den”, which Shark Tank was based on. Dragon’s Den companies actually have phone numbers on their website and write back to their customers. In all my years of being a consumer I have never in my life dealt with such AWFUL customer service!!! Kevin O and Cuban if I were you boys I would be taking my money back from the deal you made as they are tarnishing your good names!!
A very unhappy one time customer.
Joane –
NO rating for you Bottle Breacher! I also have been waiting 9 weeks for my merchandise from this company. I think it is wrong for them to use the military to promote their unscrupulous business. So disappointing with how they handle their business. If they were SO back logged they should have made that clear on their site as to say ( we are behind on our orders please expect more than 3 months before delivery) they just say up to 8 weeks! I honestly do not understand how they can conduct business this way. If anyone asks me about them I will surely let them know how I was treated. I have sent serveral emails due to the fact that they have NO PHONE NUMBER to contact them and I have received 2 responses both saying that they hope to get orders out. I’m sure they don’t list a number due to the fact that they would be overwhelmed with very UNHAPPY people.
Dave Smmith –
Same problem as everyone else is having, no response to the email and ordered in Nov, this is turning into a scam, I am having charges reversed
Dave Smmith –
Same problem everyone else is having, ordered in Nov, no response from any email, I’m having the charges reversed
tori –
GREAT idea. Just saw Kevin on TMZ today, Jan 28, 2015, and he said they were having issues getting the bullets due to the high volume of orders. Give this company a chance. It a start up and they have to get their feet on the ground. Obviously customer service needs to be addressed first.
Laura –
I have been waiting two months just like everyone else on here. At least now I have one Christmas present bought for next year now. I was fine with the delay it is understandable with the show and all the publicity it is getting. When I did email them asking about a delivery date the email went to my junk folder. All it said was thank you for your purchase please be patient we have new equipment and are processing orders as quickly as possible. Nothing about when it will ship. That is the frustrating part. How long can something be “in process” for? Make things right with your customers. I know if there would of been better communication from them I would of been a return customer. Word of mouth can really hurt a business.
ben guidry –
Zero stars. I can’t even say that it is bad customer service because there is NO customer service to rate! 2 months ago I ordered and have received NOTHING! Do not spend your money here!
Angela –
I ordered back in November, and I am still waiting. At this rate the Christmas present I ordered for last Christmas 2014, is going to be for this Christmas 2015. I have called , emailed. Both with the same answer its on back order. Then I get a email stating sorry for the delay , but you can give print out this paper stating this is your present. Ridiculous!
Mary –
I can’t believe all the nasty reviews from people about the extended wait time for the product to be received. This is obviously a small start up company that got lucky, got on tv and is lucky enough to get a ton of orders. I placed an order before thanksgiving and the website blatantly said order times were extended due to the shark tank appearance. So I waited what’s the big deal???? I just got an email confirming my order was shipped about 9 weeks later. Who cares how long it takes it’s a cleaver bottle opener I don’t need it in a rush. I for one am happy to be supporting an American company started by our military men. Lets use some common sense people. So they have to work on their customer service. Whatever. I’d rather support American military men with bad customer service but ultimately a good product then some off shore company with excellent customer service. I hope they sell a ton of product and make a lot of money. And I hope all the whining responders get over themselves. It’s a bottle opener take the gamble for 30 bucks an wait a few weeks. They never promised rush delivery.
Janice –
I ordered BottleBreacher in December for Christmas, at which point it did not arrive on time- I than decided that I would give it to my father for a Birthday gift (in February..) it never came- and I have yet to receive anything or an estimated time of arrival. DO NOT work with this COMPANY. They charged my credit card and now I have no idea if I will ever see the end product. So disappointed.
jessica –
This company has HORRIFIC customer service. It’s basically non-existent. How do you take someone’s money, not send them a confirmation email or number, and then not answer their 5 emails EVER? I’m so disappointed because i thought this was going to be a very cool gift for my groomsmen but I just can’t wait any longer! AT LEAST answer the emails!
Adriel –
Just received my order today; ordered before Christmas! Love the product even though I didn’t get the extra bottle opener my friend got for the order taking so long. Communication was also lacking.
Product is good but the company was not ready for prime time.
jennifer –
Like everyone else on here, I seem to be having the same issue. Ordered this product 2 months ago and they refuse to answer any emails. I find it disgusting that in this day in age, there is no phone number attached to the company. It’s great that they are rising to stardom and got the publicity they did, but its disgusting how they treat the customers. I bought the Bottle Breach with the engraving and the box, never expected it before Christmas but this is beyond ridiculous. I think I will be doing what everyone else is and have the charges reversed on my cc and claim it as fraud. As a previous post said, find it very hard to believe that they didn’t get the funds when they charged us right away. I would also encourage anybody who thinks of making an order in the future to read these reviews first.
charlie –
What a joke. Just like everyone else said, customer server was a farce. How do you get backing by a Shark and not have your sh@t together? The worst part was the communication. If I was actually given good information I would be OK with the delays. But they actually ‘turned off’ answering queries. You couldn’t call them nor could you email them. They actually had an automated voicemail that said email them. Too bad you were never replied back to.
If you wanted to cancel your order you couldn’t even do that. I rather receive a subpar product and have great customer service than to go through this. What an absolute joke.
They actually told me ‘do a print out of the oder and give that as a gift’. Give me a break……..
When you look up bad customer service in the dictionary, there should be a picture of this company.
Chris –
Has anyone else encountered a change in the engraving? I placed my order in November and just received an email saying they can only engrave one line. Both my orders have 2, I even distinctly remember it saying HOW to write for 2 lines of text? Has anyone else experienced this?
Katherine –
I finally got my BottleBreacher and it was the best gift EVER- Thanks! I would highly HIGHLY recommend this gift.. just expect a short delay in receiving it. Thanks!
i ordered this 60 days ago. only now did they get my order out, after i made mention of all of the negative reviews and problems with canceling an order. i sure hope whatever shark invested has gotten his/her money back and hit the road. i wouldn’t order from these folks EVER again. 60 days is inexcusable! Stay away and find a different product to buy.
Liz –
I purchased a bottle breacher back in December it finally arrived last week. AND ITS MISSPELLED!!!!!! Are you serious!!!!!!! First it takes them over 2 months to send it out and now it’s misspelled! I’m over it with this company. I emailed them about a week ago to see how I go about getting it fixed and NO RESPONSE! I want my money back!!!!!
Caroline McGuire –
Good luck getting your money back! After waiting 3 months for my order I received the wrong product! I asked for my money back for weeks and got jerked around with vague email responses. I just wanted to talk with someone over the phone because the girl emailing me (Nicole) did not seem to grasp my simple request, but they do not have a business line….SERIOUSLY!!! Instead of giving me my money back they sent me another opener to an address I no longer live at. I told Nicole repeatedly I did not want the product anymore.
I would not recommend this company to anyone right now. Maybe when they get their business together in a few years….until then they should stop advertising and catch up on orders.
Donna Klym –
I placed an order on Monday. I made a comment in special instructions and received an email back the next day. It is now Saturday and it was delivered today. Great turn time. Love it.
Mark Bayne –
Absolutely wonderful product! I received one as a gift last month which my buddy ordered in November and oddly enough received another one as a gift today from a friend that ordered it last week. I have ordered 11 as gifts for friends all of which were received in good time. I highly recommend this company of veterans, as I myself am a veteran. All I hear from people so far on here is the bitching about back orders. Well pretend your a server in a restaurant and your used to getting 5-10 tables a night and suddenly your place of work was on national TV and all of the sudden you now 65, 000 tables at once, how would you feel? You have to give a start up time to do just that, start up. Great product made in america, will recommend with highest regards any day of the week.
Kathy Fisk –
Your product caught my attention right away on “Shark Tank.” I love, love,love that it is made in the U.S.A. by active duty and retired service people!!! I ordered one for my sister’s 50th birthday!!! She called me and was so impressed!!! I appreciate as well the almost immediate response to each question I had. The item shipped more quickly than expected-an added bonus!! Is there any way you could make one with a wine bottle opener?? Just a thought!
Jesse Pollock –
I don’t know what the people below are talking about but this company has some of the best customer service I have ever seen I work in customer service and was shocked. I had made a mistake on the righting to be engraved and with in 30 min they were in contact with me asking what need to be sent and stayed in contact until both my self and them were clear on all changes. Its a great price as well. There service and mom and pop feel have made it so I will continue to buy stuff from them just to buy it not even for special occasions.
sheila rivera –
I had to wait more than 2 months to receive the product, when I opened it, it was dirty, that os okay, I have no problem to clean it up but my boyfriend hasn’t used it yet and it has already mold, and the engraved is losing the color.
Claude Many –
It took just over a week to get my bottle breacher delivered in Canada. It arrived in mint condition and it works extremely well. The engraving is well done and it looks awesome. I’m more than pleased with the product and customer service.
Mike V –
Took 3 months to get the product. Was going to be a gift. The event passed. BB sent emails (with excuses) but lost its luster. Would recommend paying less for another brand.
BB should have taken $ off. Didn’t happen. Would never buy again.
They are greedy and didn’t deliver.
Mike Vidmar
Kate –
I’m hoping to get an answer as to how long items are taking now that a few months has passed since their initial show on SharkTank. Has anyone ordered within the past 30 days and received their order? I can deal with a delay as long as the company makes me aware that it will be X # of days until the item is shipped. Needless to say, I’m hesitant to order but I’d like to give them a chance considering the Bottle Breachers are made by U.S. military retirees and in the U.S. Thanks to anyone who can answer my questions.
Elizabeth –
This company doesn’t even deserve 1 star…. I have been battling with them since December to get an order corrected as they had sent me a personalized order that was not even mine. When I contacted customer service I did speak with someone and they assured me another one would be arriving in the next couple of weeks. Well it’s now April, 2015 and I still have not received anything. I have been calling (oh wait, you can’t actually speak with someone) and emailing with only 1 response indicating my order had been filled. NEWS FLASH, YOU FILLED THE WRONG ORDER. I got “Pierre’s”. They have yet to refund my money and since they have proof they filled the order they will not reimburse me. This company is a waste!
Corinne –
Excellent Customer Service!! I watched the re-airing of Shark Tank, ordered and got my Bottle Breacher a week later. I ordered after the first time they aired, it took 4 weeks, but understandable for national TV. They were always kind and explained why they were backlogged. Can’t believe the comments on here…. people act like it’s life saving medicine. Have patience America! Eli said he just got out of the military. Thank you for serving!! And thank you for my awesome gift! My husbnad’s Best Man will love it!
Laura Lee –
The product itself is cool looking, but the up charged gift box is a joke.
Also, don’t buy this if you’re in a hurry to receive it… The website clearly states a one week processing time… 3 1/2 weeks later my dad received his gift LATE.
After one week and no word from bottle breacher, I sent an email through the “contact us” link. (There is no phone number, very frustrating) and the email was returned 2 days later saying “your order will ship soon.” WHAT??? What kind of business says that? What is soon? A week? 2 weeks? Tomorrow? Horrible customer service. Not a good way to do business.
Hope –
Good Morning,
I would first like to start off by saying how terrific the customer service is. Kyle Frink is a true example of outstanding and quality service. His communication and follow up was amazing. Kyle is an asset to your establishment. On a second note your product is a symbol of pride for those who served in the Armed Forces and is a great gift. This is my second time ordering merchandise from your company and I will continue to do so in the future. I have recommended your products to many friends and family members. Again, thank you Kyle you made me feel special as a customer.
Julio –
Give this company a shot (no pun intended), their product is awesome! I was hesitant to order after reading reviews here because I needed my groomsmen gift before the end of the month. I emailed them and received a quick response that they could deliver on time. I placed the order last week and I now have my products. They turned out better than I expected, really glad I was able to get this for my groomsmen I know they will enjoy their gift. after looking at these first hand I now need to order one for myself.
Lorrie –
Seriously one of the BEST gift ideas!!! I have ordered several times from Bottle Breacher and have been VERY happy with each order!! My first order was the day they made their initial presentation on Shark Tank. I got my order in straight away and had no issues with the length of time. I do understand that they were totally SLAMMED with orders and had initial growing pains. It appears to be all under control now. The customer service has always been outstanding and even get prompt responses from them via Facebook posts and messages. I am a firm and forever supporter of our military and vet owned businesses, so give this company a try! They have come up with new product versions of their original concept…..very cool! Love Bottle Breacher!!!
Anthony Reece –
Got a Bottle Breacher for a birthday present. Pretty cool! The quality is superb, functionality is great! Perfect size to open any beer bottle. And a great all around gift for those of you who think this sort of thing is neat! I know I do so join the club! My wife gave this to me and it is with out doubt one of the most reasonably priced, best “bang” for the buck present I have ever received! Got to love her and my Bottle Breacher! So thanks guys! By the way for those of you who care – Made in the USA by some of the USA’s finest! Can’t think of a better mix than that! Good luck guys! I hope this goes “great guns” for you!
Sorry can’t resist the puns!
Wendy –
I’m incredibly impressed with this business and product. Ordering through their website was a breeze, my order arrived much faster than I’d anticipated, and this product is very cool.. They’ve exceeded my expectations and I’ll definitely be ordering again.
James Welch –
I ordered three for Christmas gifts. They are engraved just the way I wanted them. They look GREAT my son’s will enjoy them. The items shipped quickly and arrived as they said they would. I have showed them to the guys I work with and they all liked the items and several said they will be ordering some. Once again a GREAT item for stocking stuffers.
Kelly Kennemore –
Awsome company great products met the owner i am proud to suport a start up company from a former military person Ely you hit it out of the park bud do busness with you anny day
Melody –
Wow, talk about poor customer service and just a rude message. I only received a response via FB and didn’t even suggest a resolution or a time of when I might even receive my gift. Very disappointing and I am canceling my order.
Btw, Nicole Mackey Manager needs some additional training.
B.J.Liddle –
We ordered Bottle Breacher for my girlfriends son and daughter in law, absolutely awesome. They love the gifts we got them. Thank you to them ,and all the others that put their lives on the line for our freedom. Thank you for your service also the team at Bottle Breacher. We are going to be in Phoenix in March and plan on visiting Bottle Breacher, in Tucson. Thanks again
Karin Jackson –
Christina at customer service went above and beyond to aid us in the search for our package. The post office misplaced it and Christina was able to track it down. I will definitely be ordering from this company again!!!!!
Kyle G. –
I never write reviews but this product deserves it. 5 stars all the way!!
I ordered the 50 caliber chrome Bottle Breacher with a holster and gift box and it was even nicer than I expected. The American flag skull engraving and script was very well done. I ordered on November 25th and received it quickly with plenty of time to mail it out as a Christmas gift. My friend , who is a former U.S. Marine, loved it and says it works perfectly. I would recommend this product to anyone. It’s definitely a quality product!!
Vin Askintowicz –
After watching rerun of Shark Tank, I decided to order one for my sons fathers day gift. Received it 5 days after ordering, including engraving. As a Marine in aviation ordance, I was very familiar with the 50 cal. but never used one to open a bottle of beer. Very impressed with quality.
Conor Murphy –
Ordered 5 breachers later that I should have for my groomsmen, contacted customer service after I ordered to ensure that I’d get the items on time. I got a response back from Carrie the same day despite it being labor day who assured me I’d get the items in time. All 5 breachers arrived when I’d been told to expect them and they look excellent I’m quite thrilled with them.
Matt –
What a great product!
I ordered two bottle breachers, one for myself and one for a friend as a Christmas gift. I ordered the breachers on a Friday, they were shipped the next day, and arrived in the mail on the Tuesday. That’s only 4 days from order to being in my hand. Prior to ordering I contacted the company with a question which was answered within 1 day. Very happy with the product as it looks great. Can’t wait to use it and can’t wait to give it as a gift here in a couple of weeks. Thanks Bottle Breacher.
Brandt –
I received 5 personalized breachers in a very timely manner and they looked better than expected. However, one of the names was spelled wrong. I contacted customer support via the email address provided on their website and received a response within 2 hours, along with resolution. A new one with the corrected spelling was engraved and over-nighted (at no additional expense) to me the next day. Sounds like some the above comments hit peak season during the holidays when all small businesses (especially those in the customized products business) are absolutely slammed. Although a mistake was made, it was corrected promptly and with EXCELLENT customer service. Not to mention, they look awesome! Thanks BB, and best of luck moving forward!
Joe –
Ordered 7 engraved breachers with personalized boxes for groomsmen gifts. I received them far quicker than I anticipated which worked out great since I waited until the last minute to order them. Once I received them, I looked them over and everything was great quality. I’ve ordered personalized items from other places, and while the info was accurate, the execution was lacking. All of the boxes and breachers were engraved straight and looked good. The printing on the boxes was also perfectly done with no crooked letters or angling to one side. I’m extremely pleased with the products that I received and plan on gifting more of their products.
Julian Hernandez –
So, just a few hours after ordering a Freedom Frag, they posted their Halloween special edition versions. I contacted customer service, who was gracious enough to walk me through changing my order! The whole process was seamless and timely.
I’m leaving this review on the very day I received my order and I couldn’t be happier! Well made and thoughtfully packaged for shipping. 10/10 will be buying more product from them. HOOYAH!
DG –
Wish I had read these customer service reviews BEFORE I ordered two bottle breachers. I ordered them on November 26th and still have no updates. I have emailed customer service twice with no response. Since they have no customer service number to call, emailing is the only option. This company continues to advertise and promises a product that they obviously can’t deliver in time for Christmas. This is false advertising!!!! This greedy company needs to stop taking new orders and process the orders they already have and at the very least respond to their customers who have already placed orders. This would be called “CUSTOMER SERVICE “. Shark Tank should be ashamed of themselves for investing in this company…