Heidi Ho


Heidi Ho is a line of dairy-free cheese products. Using only plant-based products, the creators have made a cheese substitute that they claim tastes just like the real thing. There are a variety of cheeses in the line including Chia cheeses and Cashew cheeses in flavors like smoky, spicy, and blueberry. All the products are free of dairy, gluten, soy, and corn. Heidi Ho was able to snag a deal with Lori.

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Season 6, Episode 9 Sharks: Lori Greiner Category:

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3.20 Stars - 8 reviews for Heidi Ho

  1. Christopher

    My friends and I eat a lot of cheese. Probably too much cheese. Once in college, a friend of mine was checking out at the supermarket and the cashier asked if she was having a “cheese party.” She was just on a normal shopping trip. So, if there’s a way to make cheese healthier without sacrificing flavor, I’m all for it. The sharks seemed very enthusiastic about the taste of the Heidi Ho cheese, but I’m a bit suspicious. Cheese has such a distinct flavor and texture that I think it would be hard to recreate using only plant-based products. Maybe I’m being naive. Maybe I’m being too loyal to my old dairy-based cheese. But the pitch was effective enough to make me at least want to try out Heidi Ho, so, in the end, they win.

  2. Matthew bloom

    Thank you for showing the Heidi ho cheese. My wife just turned an older mysterious age,and we just recently found that she’s become allergic to dairy products! It really sucks for someone that’s always had dairy products to not have them at all! We don’t usually get on the computer or internet because we usually just go to the store and get what we need ,but all the cheese that we’ve come across are either dairy,artificial, or taste terrible! My wife loves pizza and chicken parmesan etc we are looking forward to try the Heidi ho cheese and hopefully someday we’ll be able to at least pick it up at our sprouts natural market or SAMs club soon! Thanks again, Matthew Bloom

  3. Kat Chopinski

    I’m a vegan who misses only one animal-derived product: cheese. I wanted to like Heidi Ho’s Nu Chevre. In fact, I so badly wanted to like it that I forked over $7 for a tiny tub. I opened it with eager anticipation only to find…mold. Gross!!!! Not in the mood to drive back to the store and hassle with customer service for a refund, I emailed Heidi Ho through its website. No response. I tweeted at and Facebooked Heidi Ho. No response. That angered me more than the mold or ridiculous price point for this product. Whichever Shark chose this loser of a company failed to instruct executives in the cardinal rule of successful business: Do not diss your customers. And yes, ignoring a customer’s complaint IS disrespectful. I will never buy anything manufactured by Heidi Ho again. What I will do: Share my bad experience with fellow vegans and animal activists (I lead an an animal advocacy organization).

  4. Pat

    Would love to buy it but can’t find it in any stores in new jersey

  5. Robert Contri

    Bought a small tub of the “Creamy” flavor at my local Whole Foods after seeing it on Shark Tank. As I was handling it I noticed it was clearly marked that it should be consumed within a week of opening, indicating it doesn’t have a very good storage life. When I slipped the cardboard wrapper off I could see the tub, still opened, had a 1 /2″ diameter patch of mold floating on top of the product. I returned it the next day.

  6. Lang Granit

    Your work! That’s amazing how real it looks. So i was wondering if you ship to Switzerland and accept credit? you contact my shipper who handles all of my shipment as i live in a rural area and they help in pick up of items from you location.

  7. Liz Bullock

    After reading the other reviews, I do remember that I did, once, get a tub that had mold. It was outdated. That would be the store’s fault, or the shipper’s fault.
    I LOVE this cheeze. I gave up cheeze because I googled factory farming & found out the horrific life dairy cows & their babies lead. Every year, the cows have a beautiful baby, just to watch it be stolen away at birth to be thrown in a veal pen.
    Heidi Ho cheeze is a Godsend to me. And the cows. And, if somebody doesn’t like it…get over it.

  8. Peggy

    Cannot find a website to order it…they do bot make it easy

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