Hiccup Earth

Hiccup is a reusable cup service serving the race industry throughout the United States. We provide 8 oz. silicone cups as an alternative to single use cups that are used at aid stations provided for runners at races.

​The service of Hiccup provides dropping off cups to each aid station, picking up the cups as soon as the aid station is closed and washing the used cups to be available again at the next race that goes green! Our mission is to eliminate cup waste.

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Hiccup is a reusable cup service serving the race industry throughout the United States. We provide 8 oz. silicone cups as an alternative to single use cups that are used at aid stations provided for runners at races.

​The service of Hiccup provides dropping off cups to each aid station, picking up the cups as soon as the aid station is closed and washing the used cups to be available again at the next race that goes green! Our mission is to eliminate cup waste.


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