

Ladies and gentlemen, are you tired of insects invading your home? Are you done with the mess and hassle of traditional bug catching methods? Fear not, for we have a solution for you! Introducing Cup-a-Bug, the revolutionary no-kill bug catcher!

The Cup-a-Bug is designed based on the classic cup and paper method, with added features that make it even better. The device consists of a cup attached to a long pole with a handy pivot mechanism that allows you to catch bugs from different angles. The cup also comes with a convenient brush to help you catch insects hiding in tight corners with ease.

But the Cup-a-Bug is more than just easy to use – it’s humane and eco-friendly. Instead of harming insects, the Cup-a-Bug catches and releases them back into nature. And since the Cup-a-Bug doesn’t require any chemicals or electricity, it’s safe for use around children and pets.

With Cup-a-Bug, you’ll never have to worry about squishing, swatting, or spraying pesky insects again. Simply position the cup over it and catch it with ease. Then, release the bug back into the great outdoors, where it belongs.

Don’t let insects take over your home – order your Cup-a-Bug bug catcher today and enjoy a bug-free home without any guilt or hassle!

Humane: The Cup-a-Bug bug catcher catches bugs without harming them, making it an ethical and humane way to deal with unwanted insects.

Versatile: The pivot mechanism and brush at the end of the cup make it easy to catch bugs in hard-to-reach places, such as corners or high ceilings.

Safe: The Cup-a-Bug bug catcher doesn’t require any chemicals or electricity, making it safe for use around children and pets.

Easy to use: With its simple and intuitive design, anyone can use the Cup-a-Bug bug catcher to quickly and easily catch bugs without any fuss.

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Season 15, Episode 15 Sharks: Mark Cuban Category:

Commissions earned from Amazon links.

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Ladies and gentlemen, are you tired of insects invading your home? Are you done with the mess and hassle of traditional bug catching methods? Fear not, for we have a solution for you! Introducing Cup-a-Bug, the revolutionary no-kill bug catcher!

The Cup-a-Bug is designed based on the classic cup and paper method, with added features that make it even better. The device consists of a cup attached to a long pole with a handy pivot mechanism that allows you to catch bugs from different angles. The cup also comes with a convenient brush to help you catch insects hiding in tight corners with ease.

But the Cup-a-Bug is more than just easy to use – it’s humane and eco-friendly. Instead of harming insects, the Cup-a-Bug catches and releases them back into nature. And since the Cup-a-Bug doesn’t require any chemicals or electricity, it’s safe for use around children and pets.

With Cup-a-Bug, you’ll never have to worry about squishing, swatting, or spraying pesky insects again. Simply position the cup over it and catch it with ease. Then, release the bug back into the great outdoors, where it belongs.

Don’t let insects take over your home – order your Cup-a-Bug bug catcher today and enjoy a bug-free home without any guilt or hassle!

Humane: The Cup-a-Bug bug catcher catches bugs without harming them, making it an ethical and humane way to deal with unwanted insects.

Versatile: The pivot mechanism and brush at the end of the cup make it easy to catch bugs in hard-to-reach places, such as corners or high ceilings.

Safe: The Cup-a-Bug bug catcher doesn’t require any chemicals or electricity, making it safe for use around children and pets.

Easy to use: With its simple and intuitive design, anyone can use the Cup-a-Bug bug catcher to quickly and easily catch bugs without any fuss.


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