Probiotic Maker


We all need probiotics. In fact there are over 140 benefits from probiotics in general (boost immune system, fight diseases, better mood/sleep…) but unfortunately:

– Pills and powders can die in stomach acid and take weeks to work.
– Factory yogurt or drinks may be weeks old before you get them.
– Most are very expensive.
– Many only contain a single strain like the leading pill & drink.
– Making your own can take hours and fill the sink with dishes…

But not anymore… Introducing the Probiotic Maker™!

Now you can make 11 fresh probiotics with only 1 minute prep and no dirty dishes! It is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

1. Start: Add Starter Pack with 11 Types of Probiotic “Seeds”
2. Culture: Slide on the Maker & Plug it in Overnight (from 8+hrs)
3. Enjoy: Cool, Flavor as Desired, & Enjoy!

Make the freshest probiotics available for less than buying ANY yogurt, kefir, pills, powders, drinks…

For just the cost of a gallon of milk and a starter packet, you can make the equivalent of the following:

• Hundreds of Pills
• 16 Nutrition or Protein Shakes
• 32 Yogurt Cups
• 47 Probiotic Drinks
• 64 Yogurt Tubes

You save a fortune every month while enjoying delicious fresh probiotics (11 types) and none of the artificial ingredients or excesssive sugar!

More Info Buy on Amazon

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We all need probiotics. In fact there are over 140 benefits from probiotics in general (boost immune system, fight diseases, better mood/sleep…) but unfortunately:

– Pills and powders can die in stomach acid and take weeks to work.
– Factory yogurt or drinks may be weeks old before you get them.
– Most are very expensive.
– Many only contain a single strain like the leading pill & drink.
– Making your own can take hours and fill the sink with dishes…

But not anymore… Introducing the Probiotic Maker™!

Now you can make 11 fresh probiotics with only 1 minute prep and no dirty dishes! It is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

1. Start: Add Starter Pack with 11 Types of Probiotic “Seeds”
2. Culture: Slide on the Maker & Plug it in Overnight (from 8+hrs)
3. Enjoy: Cool, Flavor as Desired, & Enjoy!

Make the freshest probiotics available for less than buying ANY yogurt, kefir, pills, powders, drinks…

For just the cost of a gallon of milk and a starter packet, you can make the equivalent of the following:

• Hundreds of Pills
• 16 Nutrition or Protein Shakes
• 32 Yogurt Cups
• 47 Probiotic Drinks
• 64 Yogurt Tubes

You save a fortune every month while enjoying delicious fresh probiotics (11 types) and none of the artificial ingredients or excesssive sugar!


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